Hampton Court Palace Garden Festival 2024

The Making Sense Garden

Where it all began – marking out the plot size in one of our gardens

From sketching to developed design

Visiting Creepers Nursery to find the perfect trees.

Sourcing materials, our clay pavers are from London Stone

Meeting with our contractor Acacia Gardens

Working on the planting plan

Visiting our plot at Hampton Court Palace

Meeting with Simon, the owner of How Green Nursery and the supplier of our perennials and grasses

And sourcing more and more materials!

Our bench is from Future Woodlands

Our metal works are from Savage Works

Our willow fences are from Winterbourne Willows

Our pebbles, gravel and other
key elements are from CED Stone

Our water feature system is from Landscape Plus

Our porcelain is from Solus

And we are off!